Getting a loan from a bank or even a lender can be a pesky endeavour but with the emergence of digitisation, this process has become much easier for the borrower. Whether it is a national level bank or any authorised online lender, document verification is an essential part of every loan approval, which can also not be ignored. However, technology has significantly cut short the time and efforts for both the borrowers as well as the lenders.
Lenders in the online market have been introducing eye-catching offers to lure in new customers and in line with that, they have introduced text loans, online application form, apart from the traditional approaching directly to the office, and calling or even mailing the concerned lender. In this blog, we will be enlisting all the pros and cons of the different methods that you can use to get the loans you desire.
1. Approaching the bank or the office of the lenders
The traditional method has been the most favoured option by everyone who is not so much comfortable with the use of technology. You can simply go to the concerned bank and get all the information about the loan from the executives who would explain minuscule details of the loan deal to you in person. This way you can easily finalise the deal in just one meeting, however, the verification process could take a while depending upon their team.
Considering the stringent and time-taking protocol followed by the bank, unless you do not have any severe emergency, taking a loan from the bank can be a suitable option for your short-term as well as long-term requirements. Similarly, one can also approach the offices of the lending organisations to finalise the deal. The advantage of the latter being the considerably less time taken by the lenders, however, as compared to the banks, the interest rate offered by such lenders could be comparatively higher than that of the banks.
2. Call or send an email to the concerned lenders
Online lenders are easily available through calls or email that the borrowers can come across through various marketing methods such as television, radio or even digital methods. Having a direct conversation with the lender, after a personal visit, is the most reliable method to get a loan from authentic lenders. However, while contacting such organisations, it is imperative that you dedicate some time to conduct your personal research and then, approach the best lenders.
As compared to the last option, it is less time taking, therefore, you can contact multiple lenders and then choose the best one out of them. Furthermore, competitive lenders can also give you the best deal so as to convert you as a positive conversion for them. So, in this case, you have the upper hand. You can take more benefit if you have good credit, however, even bad credit holders can get decent deals from such lenders.
3. Fill up the online application
Nowadays, almost all the banks, as well as lenders, are available on the World Wide Web. You simply need to run your favourite query on any search engine. It must be noted that the ones ranking at the top may not give you what you need but through online searches, you get to choose between hundreds of online lenders.
4. Text loans
Once you have a lender’s contact number or that of the agent, you can easily connect with them through even texting. All you need to do is ask the concerned lenders if they provide the text loan facility. As soon as you send a message from your portable device, the lender who can give you the best advice for the loan can appoint a loan agent or a financial adviser.
As the procedures are getting easier, there are multiple lenders online, who are earning simply through the means of fraud. So, before you share your personal or financial details with anyone, make sure that it has been certified and approved by the FCA and that your decision is right.